We specialize in targeting White Seabass, Yellowtail, Halibut, Calico Bass, Sand Bass, Bluefin Tuna, Yellowfin Tuna, Mahi Mahi and Pacific Spiny Lobster. We also use a powerful electric line hauler for those nights when fishing for lobster is out in the deep water or when you feel like relaxing instead of hand pulling the nets in the shallows. We are one of the first, if not THE first charter vessel to offer “Greenstick” fishing for large Bluefin Tuna on the West Coast. This style of fishing is nothing short of spectacular. Seeing the strike of large Bluefin Tuna jumping completely out of the water chasing our lures is absolutely addicting. Our large electric reel will haul in the main line while you and your friends fight the large tuna on state of the art rod and reel gear. When conditions are right we also fly the kite, teasing tuna to attack the flying fish lures with astonishing visual explosions. Dedication to customer satisfaction is our #1 goal and helping new anglers enjoy what we live for on a daily basis is our passion.